We’ll be making it easier to grasp by answering the following questions:
Where can you grow your plants?
What plants you can grow as a beginner?
How you can grow them?
Starting off with the first question in modern practices in gardening for beginners
Where can you grow your plants?
The place where you grow your plants is called the medium.
so what is a medium?
It is the place where plants anchor themselves and extract the nutrients they require for their daily functioning.
In today’s time, we can broadly classify the medium into two categories, the traditional medium which is soil and the other which has gained a lot of popularity in modern day gardening is soil-less mediums.
Soil medium
The most common medium for growing plants is soil, it is a mixture of both organic and inorganic materials. Minerals which are formed by break up of large rocks over the millennia form the inorganic element whereas the dead and decaying matter and the organisms that help in the process of decay form the organic elements, the space between the soil particles is filled with moisture and air
Merits and Demerits:
The main advantage of soil is that it is abundantly and easily available, plants thrive readily in it but if you want your plant to exhibit certain characteristics then you have to tune your soil by adding manure or compost or mineral salts. For ex: If you would want to have more flowers on your plant, then you must have a more compost-rich soil.
The main disadvantage of soil is that it is bulky, this point is majorly considered when you have to grow your plants in containers, as it becomes difficult to lift them and also sometimes the garden soil has tendency to compact in pots if it has too much percentage of clay in it making it hard for the plant to develop root, there are a lot more disadvantages which are taken care by the modern practices in gardening.
Modern practices in gardening for beginners: Soil-less mediums
As the name suggests this medium does not have soil as its constituent, it is a mixture of substrates that are used for growing plants, soil-less mediums generally don’t carry any bacteria or fungi so they are considered as sterile mediums, these mediums give a gardener more control over their container plants by preventing seedlings from being contaminated from soil-borne pests or diseases and fungi. These mixes usually contain:
1) Moss Peat or Coco Peat as the substrate for providing good drainage while retaining moisture for longer period of times, popular among them is peat moss and coco peat.
2) Wood residues such as sawdust and barks are added for drainage and air space.
3) Perlite or Vermiculite is added for providing additional water and nutrient retention.
4) Compost or Vermicompost to provide the nutrients required by the plant.
These constituents are mixed in different proportions depending on the plant that is to be grown or they are sometimes mixed with soil as a soil conditioner.

A more advanced approach in this area is using just water as a growing medium by supplying the nutrients required by the plants through water-soluble fertilizers and the science behind it is called hydroponics but that is topic to be discussed for another post altogether.
So let me quickly tell you what sort of mediums have worked for us:
We would use soil-less mediums as a way to grow my seedlings because they give me a higher chance of germination.
Then we would use a mixture of garden soil, coarse sand, goat manure and a very little percentage of coco peat in the ratio 1:1:1:.25 by volume to create my pot mix.
Coming to the second question
What plants you can grow as a beginner?

The first mistake we would generally do when selecting plants is that we tend to get attracted to the plant by looking at its blooms and overlooking plants overall condition, I did this mistake when I was starting with this hobby, I was selecting a plant that required high maintenance and care and at a time when I did not know how to care for it, (psst! it was a rose plant), and the way in which I would select them was way dumber, I used to just go looking for a colour and being attracted to it like a bee, it would bring it home, it was after I had lost a lot of plants this way I started to watch videos on how to select roses and how they are grown.
So as a beginner you would want to select a plant with the following characteristics:
1) Look for plants that are hardy, which means it can survive in any weather.
2) Look for plants that are more natural to your locality, so that you don’t have to worry about its native conditions too much.
3) Choose a plant that is resistant to pest and diseases.
4) Drought tolerance is another point you must note.
5) Choose a plant that can grow both under the sun or partial shade.
Coming to the second question
What plants you can grow as a beginner?
The first mistake we would generally do when selecting plants is that we tend to get attracted to the plant by looking its blooms and overlooking plants overall condition, I did this mistake when I was starting with this hobby, I was selecting a plant that required high maintenance and care and at a time when I did not know how to care for it, (psst! it was a rose plant), and the way in which I would select them was way dumber, I used to just go looking for a colour and being attracted to it like a bee, it would bring it home, it was after I had lost a lot of plants this way I started to watch videos on how to select roses and how they are grown.
So as a beginner you would want to select a plant with the following characteristics:
1) Look for plants that are hardy, which means it can survive in any weather.
2) Look for plants that are more natural to your locality, so that you don’t have to worry about its native conditions too much.
3) Choose a plant that is resistant to pest and diseases.
4) Drought tolerance is another point you must note.
5) Choose a plant that can grow both under the sun or partial shade.

and the final question
How you can grow them?
As a beginner, there are only two ways I would recommend you to grow plants
– Either through seeds
– Or buy them from your local nursery store
When buying seeds always make sure to check the packaging date and expiry date, as seeds with recent packaging dates will have a higher chance of germination
When buying plants from a nursery it is important to note these points:
– Whether the plant was grown in a greenhouse because some plants will not survive if you don’t provide them with the same conditions as in the greenhouse.
– How the plant was grown, for example, while selecting plants that are started are grown from cuttings I would usually look for plants that have pencil-thick stems near the root.
– Check for the health of the plant, it is important to check for signs of disease or pest by looking at its stems and leaves also check for the girth of the plant, the bigger the better, do not just get lured by its blooms.
– Also, check if there are plant has not done with all its blooms so that when you bring it home you would still enjoy it.
Some of the other techniques which you can grow and propagate plants are:
– Cuttings
– Grafting
– Bulbs, tubers, or Rhizomes
– Dividing the sections of a plant with roots
– Through leaves (Succulents are grown this way)
You can try them all one by one as you progress through the hobby.
This is just a basic overview of modern practices in gardening for beginners, there are a lot more interesting topics such as vertical gardening and hydroponics which will be discussed in separate posts.
Some additional points:
Until next time Happy Gardening!.
This particular blog is extremely helpful for beginners like me..I’m Looking forward to read and learn more about gardening 🙂
Thank you so much!, looking forward to sharing more insights 🙂